Digital Transformation

Solutions and Services that meet modern requirements

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Microbase offers Digital Transformation Services that meet the modern technological requirements of businesses of all sizes and fields.

Microbase Solutions and Products have at their core the convenience of the entrepreneur, the employee, the customer. Their ease of use and smart choices drive Productivity, Experience, Security and ultimately Results.

The main pillars of Microbase Solutions are:

  • Voice
  • IT Security
  • Cloud
  • Data Networks

More specifically, and in the context of digital transformation, Microbase offers you the following Solutions and Services:

Exelysis Cloud Contact Center

Exelysis Cloud Contact Center

Young people working in the call center. New deals is coming

Productivity, Communication and Collaboration Platforms (Cloud Productivity Suites)

Cloud PBX & Voice over Microsoft Teams

Cloud PBX & Voice over Microsoft Teams


Conventional Cloud/Virtual PBX type solutions

Check Point EndPoint Protection

Check Point EndPoint Protection

Businessman logging in to his tablet

Security for end users and their devices

Acronis Disaster Recovery Cloud

Acronis Disaster Recovery Cloud

Closeup of business woman hand typing on laptop keyboard

Business continuity assurance: Cloud Disaster Recovery & Backup solutions/subscriptions

Microbase Solutions & Services have already been implemented in the systems of many customers/enterprises, and have brought about their digital maturity.

As digital vigilance – necessary for all businesses regardless of the field – gallops, it is the moment to adapt to the new era. It is the right time for entrepreneurs to evolve their course and envision not just their maintenance, but their prosperity. Microbase Solutions are valuable tools for businesses of all sizes, to strengthen their competitiveness and cope with the challenges of the time.

The Opportunity For Digital Upgrading Of All Enterprises Is Here!

The Result

Through the Digitization Solutions offered by Microbase, businesses will be empowered to:

  1. modernize their productive, commercial and administrative function,
  2. upgrade the way of communication and cooperation and introduce new forms of hybrid work,
  3. digitize electronic transactions with customers and partners, including e-commerce,
  4. increase the level of security and trust in electronic transactions, using new digital products and services.

Contact Microbase

Phone: +30 212 000 5300
