July 2, 2024 margarita

Digital illiteracy in business

Kyriaki Economakis | Business Development Manager

In 2021 on “On the Horizon”, Marc Prensky (American author) provided the terminology of Digital native and Digital immigrant. It’s a digital gap!

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To those who were born into the digital world and their skills are excellent and to those who were not born into the digital world but tried and trained to adopt the skills of technology. If we look at it with a realistic eye, digital natives do not fit into the term digital illiteracy, but digital immigrants who are 35 and older must join the digital development, if they want to have continuity in their professional path and in the labor market.

The E.U. establishes an action plan to support the sustainable and effective implementation of educational programs for familiarization with new technologies in its member states. In Greece, the rates of digital literacy vary at particularly low levels. Unfortunately, many businesses (especially experiential ones) invest little in training and upskilling their workforce. The goal of the state must be, through programs, to strengthen the digital inclusion of citizens to face modern professional challenges and not only that. The business community’s goal now, if they want to have a future, should be to invest in their members.

Microbase | Training of our clients

As far as the initiatives we undertake as a company are concerned, we essentially contribute to the upgrading and progress of all the companies we work with.

All the departments of Microbase are made up of specialized people, having knowledge, experience, and continuous training. Since our customers constitute our “endowment”, our Engineers -characterized by high technical know-how and immediacy- provide Training, within the framework of every collaboration.

We are proud that our customers, through our digital products and services, have modernized their production, commercial and administrative operations, have upgraded the way of communication and collaboration with new forms of hybrid work, have digitized electronic transactions with customers and partners and finally have increased the level of security and trust in electronic transactions. Thus, we achieve Customer Satisfaction/Experience. And this does not only concern the free market but also the state apparatus.

It could not be otherwise, because we would not support what characterizes us – Customer-centricity – which is at the core of our operation. Our contribution, therefore, is catalytic.