
February 28, 2022 margarita

Digital Security: Investment and necessity in view of new technological infrastructures and applications

Antonis Psaras | Microbase Managing Director

At the 7th Annual Conference on Digital Security organized online by Teamworks on December 7 & 8, 2021, Antonis Psaras presented Microbase’s position on Telecommunication Security. Below we present a summary of the main points.

Telecommunications are facing a number of challenges, as the transfer of voice to the network level has inherited all the security threats.

The challenges recorded in the field of telecommunications are mainly related to:

Hacking, the attempt of the would-be hacker to enter the call center and either create a problem with an attack, or gain access to it, to generate high-charge calls. This is the so-called telecom fraud, one of the biggest problems facing telecommunications companies.

Also, Vishing, that is the hacker’s attempt to convince that the communication with him/her is real, with the aim of profit.

Also, Impersonation, which includes attacks related to an attempt to tarnish a telecommunications infrastructure or to make a profit from the victim.

And finally Tapping that concerns telecommunication interceptions.



The main mistakes that are recorded are the lack of knowledge or ignorance of the risk and the belief that the telecommunications provider can somehow magically solve all the problems.

The solution is the Session Border Controller (SBC).

An SBC is a specialized Application Firewall, purely for the telephony part, which protects both from attacks and the infrastructure. It uses encryption to achieve quality assurance.

The solution provided by Microbase is called Exelysis SBC, which can be provided either On-Premise or On Cloud infrastructure.

Telecommunications are facing a number of challenges, as the transfer of voice to the network level has inherited all the security threats.

The above executive summary of the speech of Antonis Psaras, is a work of Teamworks.
Minutes https://ictplus.e-expo.gr/praktika/
Online conduct www.ictsecurity.gr